6. Oktober 2016 - 00:00

Art der Veranstaltung

EPF Centre,
Rue Gerard 35., Brüssel

Psychoanalysis offers a unique, in depth understanding of the human mind, both individually and more broadly seen, socio culturally. Classical psychoanalysis, using the couch, psycho-analytic psychotherapy and other therapies, derived from psychoanalysis, are used by those suffering psychic pain and mental disorders.
Psychoanalysis has, since its earliest development from the last century to the present day, sometimes been seen as both a revolutionary and controversial science. Psychoanalysis is no longer as visible in universities as it had been in the past. Psychoanalysts in Europe are attempting to redress this and much is done in order to clarify, elaborate and enable a greater understanding of psychoanalysis, as well demonstrat-ing its crucial value.
This course provides an introduction to present day psychoa-nalysis for (university) students studying medicine, psycholo-gy, languages and cultural sciences as well as any other inter-ested students. The course will offer different psychoanalytic perspectives regarding subjects such as: clinical and theoreti-cal work, research and film. The teaching will be given by international and well known teachers.
The course begins with a presentation about the different settings that psychoanalysts may use. This will be followed by considering a classical, central issue: Dreams, famously de-scribed by Freud as “the royal road to the unconscious”.
There will be film presentation about psychoanalysis and art. There are clinical contributions, for example on eating disor-ders, as well as issues which maybe more familiar, such as the scientific standing of psychoanalytic work and treatment. Finally there is a contribution that considers whether there may be a link between psychoanalysis and neuroscience.thumbnail-of-online brochure EPCUS